Sunday, 5 August 2012

Waiting for my reports

Somedays just don't seem to pass,
they hang so heavy on me,
soggy drapes on a rainy day;
blocking the sunlight, gloomy and dull.
And I wait , sitting here
on a wooden bench in a shadowy corridor
with a bored expression on my face
slightly confused, hiding my anxiety.
The smell of disinfectants ,
does nothing to calm my senses,
rather in a way they irritate me.
Reminding me of all the lost ones
and the tragedies , each one of them,
who went away and never came back.
All these thoughts come to me,
as I wait on a wooden bench,
in a shadowy corridor of a hospital,
with nothing else to do but wait .
For the reports of all those tests they
did with my body, just to tell me
things which I will never understand.