This reckless infatuation
that brings me
to your door everytime
even after your refusals.
This nameless relation
between you and me
which will never be
owned up by you.
Those sleep less nights
spent in thinking
about you and praying for
the morning to never come.
These senseless thoughts
I write with the hope
that you will read them
and understand.
That mindless expression
of my desire in fervent prayers
to unknown powers
will remain unanswered .
Friday, 29 December 2017
Tuesday, 19 December 2017
Fifth Dimension
I slip into the fifth dimension
with the fragrance that emanates
with you in my heart.
I have left them all
and stand in your presence now,
unburdened of all that I carried,
all that I have accumulated.
I feel no sense of guilt,
I have erased the past,
I stand without a worry
in the light that you shine on me.
I now understand you better,
relate more with you ,
all that has happened to me
and everything that will now ensue
are just a journey to reach you ,
to search for you
through my maze of dreams .
I am at peace with myself now,
with you, in your precinct.
Hope swells within me
because I have now crossed
the boundaries of the make believe
and stepped into the reality of nothingness.
This exciting feeling that I savour,
this electric that passes through me
are all just manifestations
of what lies in store for me
in the sanctuary of your arms.
Monday, 18 December 2017
Nameless crossroads
At nameless crossroads ,
life throws up surprises ,
yes, it does that on and off.
Asking tough questions
that have probably no answers
it then moves away ,
keeping me stranded
in search of my way .
I keep on the chase
in the midst of change ,
though I know this very well -
I can't keep anything that I take,
I can't hold onto anything
for long enough.
At some nameless crossroad again,
I will be waylaid by life .
The benign smile that I trusted
to bask in the sun that smiled on me
will change into a frown
swiftly to darken my sky.
For life will catch up with me
and leave me gasping for breath
at some nameless crossroad ,
it will surely do.