Tuesday, 18 September 2018

Alpha male syndrome

#Randomthoughts People like Shashi Tharoor, Imran Khan or Anup Jalota , just to name a few as glaring and contemporary reference , are envied by most males . More so in a sociallly regressive milieu of this subcontinent with  conservative patriarchal valuesets which restrict sexual or even platonic interactions with females. The skewed sex ratio also adds up to the problem .

Frustrated males devoid of a  loving , caring and fulfilling sexual relationship with a suitable female partner feel themselves inconsequential and slighted to see a middle aged or older male public figure with a desirable younger female. The plain jealousy and envy raises the hackles of the dormant alpha male in them . And it triggers the obnoxious reaction of running down the celebrity. Of course, the vitriolic opposition is given a moral pyjama to wear ,as an excuse.

A man who has ever loved and received the love of a woman will never feel threatened or jealous of another man. Slightly concerned or amused , maybe but never to the point of running down another chap as immoral.

Monday, 10 September 2018

Alistair Cook

What a way to sign off in style and ride into the horizon . Every cricketer surely dreams of such moment in their lives . Very few can actually  live up to it.

Alistair Cook , Congratulations . Perhaps this century that you have scored in your farewell test match is the crown on your glorious cricketing career .

To chose your final essay on the pich at the prime is by itself an act of courage and determination , more so when one has the world record of playing the highest number of consecutive test matches. To end the career with such elan is just awesome

Tuesday, 4 September 2018


Perhaps all of us realise by now that there is no reason to take facebook Likes seriously. Because many people also click the Like button  involuntarily even in case of a notification of death.

By the way, don't  take the acronym RIP also too seriously . It may also mean Really Irritating Person .

So whether you like this post or not , please do not post RIP when you learn about my death . I will not like that .


Sunday, 2 September 2018

Museum fire

#MuseumFire News reports say that a fire has gutted down Brazil’s National Museum at Rio. It appears that extensive , almost near total damage has been done to the artefacts. If true , then it's truly heartbreaking. There really is no greater loss than historical treasures and art. This can be only compared with a part of your memory being erased , for ever.

This particular museum is said to have housed one of the best collections of indigenous literature and artefacts in the world. And we all know that though very old , the sourcing of these invaluable treasures started only about six centuries back . That way perhaps , it is a loss for the entire world.

What surprises me is how can such calamity be allowed to wreak so much havoc at such an important place .  Maybe a fire can't be prevented from occurring but surely there are several measures of fire safety that goes with such important places. Don't know why or how the Brazilian government chose to ignore the safety measures .

That brings another question to mind . Are our own museums safe to prevent such catastrophic eventualities ? Hope they have.



"In a democracy the majority is right."

Very often you will come across this statement from well educated and well placed people to counter any argument .  Some of them go a step ahead and try to extend the scope of the statement with a specious logic. As a final argument hey come with the clinching statement - " and hence criticism of a government elected by the majority is against democracy."

I know many of the readers of this post perhaps also harbour the same idea about democracy . May be not the corollary about criticism . I have due respect for everyone who thinks this way individually and also to their education. But let me remind them that this construct about democracy which they nurture in their mind is simply asinine.

Maybe those who have such notions about democracy may not have bothered to study social sciences or their teachers never explained the subject properly. But it irritates me to the point of contemplating violence when I hear such nonsense being believed , propagated and discussed in society , social gatherings and social media too . By so called educated and well heeled persons whose idea about democracy starts and ends with the Sensex maintaining an upward trend .

The biggest fallacy in the whole idea about democracy is about the majority being right in a democracy .

No it is not .

Majority may decide who forms the government or rules in a democratic setup . But democracy is not defined by the way how a a government or ruler is chosen . It goes beyond that and actually means the participation of everyone . Majority or minority , whoever, whatever and however they may be . And that's irrespective of caste, creed, colour, race, sex, language, religion, education, money or any other such discrimination. In short democracy gives equal rights to the majority who decides the ruler and the minority who do not agree.

The very mindset that believes that majority is right is against democratic ethos . So my earnest request to the readers of this post who believe in this idea is to throw it out of their minds . Further please don't spread such ridiculous idea in your family and more importantly in the progeny. #Randomthoughts