Sunday, 15 November 2020

Death of a Titan

 Death of a Titan

People may be nostalgic about him as Apu or Feluda, the two characters which he has immortalized for the Bengali, historically. They may eternally link him to the maestro Satyajit Ray. Whenever the great Uttam Kumar is mentioned, he will also be remembered as the second-best Bengali matinee idol by many. But these are just the proverbial tip of the iceberg to describe or even relate to the total personality of Soumitra Chattopadhyay.
His death at the age of 85 is not a surprise. In fact, frankly speaking, in a way death has put an end to the agony he was facing over the last few weeks. But it was surely a great loss. A colossus has fallen, and from the cultural canvas of Bengalis, the brightest star is extinguished. He was not only an icon but became an institution himself. I have been a great fan of his and always marveled at the way he carried himself and focussed on his art forms in spite of age, generational changes, personal setbacks, and diseases.
A life spanning 85 years with 62 years of a continuous acting career in prominent roles has no doubt made him an icon for the Bengalis. He has himself become an institution. And like other stalwarts, his literature, be it drama, essays or poetry or his stage acting have all been relegated in the shadow of his image as a matinee idol. His popularity was enormous and he also earned huge respect from everyone around, not only for his seniority of age and experience but also for his intelligent mind.
Yet to me, he remains one of the most underrated personalities. Yes, I reiterate the word underrated. This may be due to his own choice of being enveloped within the confines of the Kolkata milieu. The truly Bengali bhadralok characteristic of shunning activities to market or promote himself may have given him the opportunity to dabble in his pursuits of reading, writing, recitation, and acting on the stage, in all of which he excelled as the top draw. But I believe the non-Bengali speaking people, including the world missed out on a really great actor. It was his choice to not venture into Bollywood or even Hollywood, where I'm sure he would have also made his mark.
For people like me, this is indeed the end of an era. After him, barring a few contemporary actors, there's no one with whom we can relate from those black and white days of Bengali cinema.

In his remembrance, I share this wonderful interview of his dating back to 2009 which gives us a peep and sums up his personality.

Monday, 14 September 2020

Drugs in Bollywood

 All these earth shattering revelations about drugs in Bollywood are being selectively leaked everyday by some or other investigating agencies. Whether they can do so is a question which nobody is asking . Well that's not too much unexpected from people who support the way of encounter as a method of instant justice for the  accused in rape cases or curbing the mafia . In fact I am surprised why no demand for encounters for Bollywood stars involved in drugs are  being raised . In an oblique way , it will serve them right for glorifying the encounter cult in movies after movies. 

Keeping these things aside , let us examine the political angle. Naturally, the BJP is trying to portray the incidence of drug abuse in Bollywood and high society as something that reflect very badly on the incumbent Chief Minister and his party. They are justified in doing so from a stand alone point of view. But the fact is that this is not a stand alone matter at all. Most of these cases that are coming out are dated . And remember that the present Maha Vikas Aghadi goernment is in power for the last nine months only . Before that the BJP shared power with Shiv Sena for the previous 5 years from November 2014. 

Devendra Fadnavis held the post of the Home Affairs in addition to his CM post from 2014 to 2019 . He is presently busy in spreading his "Me Punha Aalaa Re " message in Bihar . His party is trying its best to use the  suicide of a young actor of Bollywood and the trail of drug connection to defame the Maharashtra government and win some brownie points in the forthcoming elections for the Bihar assembly . I know he will never read this post . But still I would like to place some questions for him . If he or his party have any moral compunction then they may answer it, The same goes for the hidden BJP supporters still lurking in the garb of friends in my life and on my timeline. They can stand up for their party if they are (hu)man enough. Their silence will prove the point decisively  ( and also help me to identify and throw them out of my life and timeline without further ado ) . 

1, How many raids were conducted on rave parties related to Bollywood during 2014-19 ?

2. How many people were arrested from such parties ? 

3 . What happened to these people ? 

4. How many Bollywood stars and starlets were arrested ?

5. How many people have been punished for illegal possession or sale of drugs  during 2014-19 ?

6. Is it to  be believed that the revelations coming out now have all happened after November 2019 ?

Thursday, 10 September 2020


 People often say that they want to know the truth . At least that's what they proclaim before others . And like many other things, coming from  most people, this is the biggest untruth. Because more than the truth, people like to have their version of truth established. They want the truth to conform to their wishes, postulates,imaginations and sometimes hallucinations. Nobody is bothered about the truth but again nobody admits that too. Everybody makes a great hue and cry over " Truth prevails" , "ultimate truth" , "the path of truth" "Satyameva Jayate" etc. and all such bunkum. Religion and social mores lay great value to truth notwithstanding the fact that truth is not uni dimensional as we make it out to be.

When faced with truth , most of us try to wish it away or ignore it unless it has a direct fallout on us personally. And our demands for knowing the truth is often guided by our assumption about the fallout and how that can help us either materially or ideologically . With the social media proliferating in our lives , another dimension is added here - just for the kicks. Take for example the recent case where a young actor apparently committed suicide. A country of 130 millions of people with double the number of problems went berserk on social media ( rather, made to go mad) like zombies on the streets demanding examination, investigation, reexamination of the circumstances of his death claiming foul play and even alleging murder. Any person who tried to counter or even stand against this tide of collective asinine behaviour was dismissed with - " Let truth come out." 

Now, the facts are coming out. I won't say truth because perhaps the truth will never be known. I won't say real truth because not only is that an oxy-moron but also an atrocious way to define truth itself. So let's say facts , plain and simple facts. And from the facts that we have been allowed to be privy, courtesy the media is that the actor was after all not an angel that he was made out to be.  Besides having multiple amorous relationships, he also was being treated for psychological disorders by multiple doctors. In addition he was also addicted to a multiple variety of drugs. His death by suicide is almost confirmed and no murder plot is apparently hatched. But when this " truth" comes out , people who wanted it to come out are not interested anymore. They have conveniently shifted their attention to something else, another actor , this time female and a lot more cranky , at least in public utterances and personal behaviour. 

 Now isn't that  funny. On one hand , you believe something , claim it to be the truth and demand investigation. When faced with facts that don't suit your requirements , you slink away into the shadows, ready to pounce upon the next victim. And this is is being done by all of us regularly . Pause and ponder for a while what we are becoming as a society. We are just going insane in our blind one-upmanship to prove our point. Perhaps the time has come to step back . 

I know this will not have any effect on the crusaders who want truth to be established. But it should be their own truth . Not the truth by Mumbai Police on the actor's death. But like the truth by  UP police on the gangster's death . We know what happened but we maintain that it did not happen . Right ? 

Thursday, 3 September 2020


 Hope it helps someone




If the police wants to arrest you on some flimsy charges in a Civil case at the behest of someone , the following information may be helpful . Posting it so that if someone needs it they can get some benefit. I am satisfied with its authenticity but request all to please satisfy yourself and not take me at face value. This can also serve as a ready reference for your lawyer to get bail or avoid arrest.


Vide Page 32 of the Third Report of the National Police Commission  it is suggested that - “An arrest during the investigation of a cognizable case may be considered justified in one or other of the following circumstances:

(i) The case involves a grave offence like murder, dacoity, robbery, rape etc., and it is necessary to arrest the accused and bring his movements under restraint to infuse confidence among the terror-stricken victims.

(ii) The accused is likely to abscond and evade the processes of law.

(iii) The accused is given to violent behaviour and is likely to commit further offences unless his movements are brought under restraint.

(iv) The accused is a habitual offender and unless kept in custody he is likely to commit similar offences again. It would be desirable to insist through departmental instructions that a police officer making an arrest should also record in the case diary the reasons for making the arrest, thereby clarifying his conformity to the specified guidelines ….”


Citing the above , the Supreme Court  has held in its judgement (  Joginder Kumar v. State of U.P., (1994) 4 SCC 260, Paragraph 20) that -


“The above guidelines are merely the incidents of personal liberty guaranteed under the Constitution of India. No arrest can be made because it is lawful for the police officer to do so. The existence of the power to arrest is one thing. The justification for the exercise of it is quite another. The police officer must be able to justify the arrest apart from his power to do so. Arrest and detention in police lock-up of a person can cause incalculable harm to the reputation and self esteem of a person. No arrest can be made in a routine manner on a mere allegation of commission of an offence made against a person. It would be prudent for a police officer in the interest of protection of the constitutional rights of a citizen and perhaps in his own interest that no arrest should be made without a reasonable satisfaction reached after some investigation as to the genuineness and bona fides of a complaint and a reasonable belief both as to the person's complicity and even so as to the need to effect arrest.

Denying a person of his liberty is a serious matter. The recommendations of the Police Commission merely reflect the constitutional concomitants of the fundamental right to personal liberty and freedom. A person is not liable to arrest merely on the suspicion of complicity in an offence. There must be some reasonable justification in the opinion of the officer effecting the arrest that such arrest is necessary and justified. Except in heinous offences, an arrest must be avoided if a police officer issues notice to a person to attend the Station House and not to leave the Station without permission.

Monday, 24 August 2020

Sense of humour


Sense of humour and sarcasm are not easy to acquire . A certain degree of equinamity is required to inculcate these characteristics in one's personality. Some people have a great sense of humour but follow a one way street I.e. they love to show their humour on others but don't appreciate when the joke is on them . You must have come across that boss in office who loves to make jokes or cut down others in meetings with his smart alec comments . Or that Fufaji or Mamaji in the family gatherings who take advantage of their protected status as honoured guests and cut jokes with everyone.

But once someone gives them a fitting reply in a lighter vein, they take offence. And hide behind the excuse of injured innocence or social decorum and propriety. This is very much true with Indians as social barriers are more pronounced here . In addition , the variety of cultures and mother tongues that people come from also affect the comprehension of humour or sarcasm .

With social media proliferating, our interactions are now more varied and impersonal . We post and comment on many things without actually relating to the other person . So it becomes more fascinating , intriguing and sometimes irritating to observe the reactions of people on social media . Earlier , people used to say things in social gatherings, generally before people with whom they were acquainted. Now they type what they want on the virtual space before people with whom they have never met , either in life or maybe for years together.

The finger has replaced the tongue and as a result 'poking finger's has replaced 'sticking the tongue out '. But few realise that if you poke the finger in the wrong place or the wrong way, you should be ready for a reaction , which may or may not be palatable.

Like say, you post the pic of a zebra. Some smart alec comes up with a comment saying - "Beautiful body paint done on the horse !!" One to one this is humour. But when you know the hidden agenda of the person is to spite you in front of others or to trash your post or comment by reducing its impact , then it needs to be countered. And say you counter with a lightly sarcastic statement doubting the eyesight or brain functions of the person . Whoa, Bang !! His mask of humour goes off and he feels offended . And he assumes the air of injured innocence and blames you as intolerant to humour.

Few days back , I was participating in a group chat. There was this person of I-AM-NOT-A-BHAKT-BUT category, friend for years , who had posted some asinine comments which were being countered by me. Naturally and as it mostly happens most group members were silent and a couple were providing moral suport to him.

To a very rude and bombastic statement of religious and nationalist supremacy, I politely reminded him giving the example of Mahabharat saying how misplaced pride on power is the cause of destruction. To this he replied that some stories also end like Ramayana .

After a few comments, he attacked me personally calling people like me as Vibhishana implying traitor to the nation. To this I replied that without Vibhishana, Ramayana wouldn't be written with the victory of Ram as the ending and asked him to decide what he really wanted to prove . Logically it follows that you can't praise Ram and blame Vibhishana . But who cares for all this ? Caught in this logical trap, he naturally got peeved and accused me of twisting the context. But it didn't matter to him that to score brownie points he had dubbed me a traitor before others a few minute back .

He perhaps believed that his sarcasm deserved more appreciation than others . This is the way most people behave on social media . They don't think twice before trashing others at a personal level, even people considered friends to score points before others. But give them a fitting reply, they get unbalanced and start inanities without giving a thought how they are showing up through their slipped masks of neutrality and goody goody image. They don't show their true faces but try to bring down others by taking a high moral ground

Sunday, 23 August 2020

The death of Jarasandha

The trio of Krishna, Arjun and Bhim, set out for Magadha on their mission to eliminate Jarasandha dressed as Snataka (graduate) Brahmins. Leaving Indraprastha they passed through Kuru-jangala (forest) with the charming lake of lotuses. Then they crossed the hills of Kalakuta and the rivers Gandaki, Karatoya, Sarkaravarta and Sarayu to enter the country of Eastern Kosala. Passing over that country they went to Mithila and then after crossing the rivers Mala and Charamanwati, the three heroes crossed the mighty Ganga and the Sone and proceeded further towards the east. At last they reached the great city of Magadh in the heart of Kushamva country. From the top of the hill Goratha, they could view the city which was rich with wealth, cattle and water with the innumerable trees standing there.

The great capital of Magadh was not only beautiful and plentiful. There were fine mansions too standing in the city which was free from every kind of calamity. It was protected by the five hills of Vaihara, Varaha, Vrishava, Rishigiri, and Chaitya, all connected with one another. By the boon of Manu, the country of Magadh was never afflicted with drought.

Owning such a delightful and impregnable city, Jarasandha was ever bent on seeking the fruition of his purposes unlike other monarchs. However, his fate seemed to have invited the three who brought his death sentence along with them.
They then approached towards the impregnable city also known as Girivraja (nestled by hills). On arriving at the gate of the city, instead of passing through it they began to pierce the high Chaityaka peak with shafts to break it down. This was a statement of defiance from them as it was both a shrine and matter of pride for the city and its ruler.

As they set feet inside the city, the learned priests in the city found many ill omens occurring and this was duly reported to the king Jarasandha. Unarmed, they entered the capital in the guise of Brahmins.

As they passed through the crowded streets, the people looked at them with wonder at their personality, not knowing who they were. As they reached the palace, Jarasandha rose up in haste and received them by washing their feet with water, not knowing who they were and unaware of their intentions. Both Arjun and Bhim remained silent during this ritual. Krishna explained their silence saying – “O king, these two are observing a vow and therefore won’t speak till midnight.”

Jarasandh was intrigued about their identity as he guessed that they were not ordinary Brahmins. However, he put them up with due courtesy and at midnight, he visited them. On his respectful address, without returning a blessing, they answered with the cryptic comment – “'Let salvation be attained by you, O king, without difficulty.”

Jarasandha requested them to be seated and then asked – “I know it very well that nowhere does the Snataka Brahmins decorate themselves with garlands and fragrant sandal paste. Your hands bear the marks of the bow-string. You look like Kshatriya warriors. You have entered the city improperly and also not accepted my worship befitting a Brahmin. Tell me truly who you are and what is your motive?”

Krishna replied – “O King, we are indeed Kshatriyas in the guise of Brahmins. We have followed the rules of engagement which says that an enemy's abode should be entered through a wrong gate and a friend's abode through the right one. And we have also vowed that after entering the enemy’s house we can’t accept worship offered to us before accomplishing our mission. “

Jarasandha was surprised but said –"I do not recollect if I ever acted injuriously towards you. So, it seems that your enmity with me is misplaced.”

To this Krishna answered- “We are agents of a powerful king who has decided that the Kshatriya princes captivated by you be released. Our desire is to end your misrule and achieve the purpose. We stand with the distressed people. I am Krishna and with me are the two mighty Pandavas, Bhim and Arjun. O king of Magadha, we challenge you. Fight standing before us. Either set free all the monarchs, or meet your destiny.”

Hearing this Jarasandha said--'None of the kings have been made captive without a fight, they have been defeated by me and hence my slaves. I have gathered these kings with the intention of offering them as sacrifices to propitiate my lord Rudra. How can you expect me to release them by threatening me? With troops against troops meeting face to face in a battle, or alone against one, or against two, or against three, at the same time or separately, I am ready to fight."

This was already visualised by Krishna and his plan succeeded up to this point. Jarasandha was instigated to fight and expectedly picked up Bhim as his adversary addressing him -: I will fight with you. It is better to be vanquished by a superior person.”

The fiery contest started in right earnest as a fight for prestige till death , They were like two tigers fighting, each with the power of an elephant. The two strong men of great physical prowess, attacked each other with their bare arms as their only weapons engaging each other in a game of death. The citizens came in thousands to witness the deadly duel and even women and the aged were part of the crowd.

The sound the wrestlers made by the slapping of their arms, the seizing of each other's necks to bring each other down, and the grasping of each other's legs to dash each other to the ground, became so loud that it resembled the roar of thunder or of falling cliffs. The encounter commenced on the first (lunar) day of the month of Kartick (September-October) and went on for a fortnight without intermission and food, day and night. It was on the fourteenth of the lunar fortnight that Jarasandha started feeling the fatigue.

Noticing this the clever Krishna indicated this to Bhim by shouting mockingly – “O Bhim, a fatigued foe should not be pressed too much as he may die as a result of it. Please spare the King.”

Bhim got the hint and decided to take advantage of the weakness of his opponent and kill him. He lifted up the powerful Jarasandha and began to whirl him over his head. Then after whirling him a hundred times, Bhim pressed his knee against Jarasandha's backbone and broke his body in two parts, just as he was born. The mighty roar of Bhim and the deathly throes of Jarasandha combined to form a terrible sound that shook the Earth itself, causing a havoc of sorts.

Leaving the lifeless body of the king at the palace gate, Bhim went out of the town. Krishna ordered for Jarasandha’s car to be adorned and made the two brothers ride it while driving it himself for everybody to have a glimpse of them. Then he released the imprisoned kings and relatives. They were most grateful to the three heroes and ready to be commanded by them for anything. Krishna assuaged them and only requested for their help in the Rajasuya Yagna to be performed by Yudhishthir.

Installing Sahadeva, the son of Jarasandha on the throne, the three left Magadh, laden with numerous gifts and jewels which they presented to Yudhishthir on their return to Indraprastha.