Monday, 27 April 2020


#Randomthoughts It is no more shocking to hear that there will be a financial scam behind every purchase that the government makes . Wars, natural calamities, epidemics , famines have always been an occasion for some people to increase their wealth. This has always been the case in India at least, over the years , maybe centuries and even millenniums. Whoever have ruled us, from kings to monks, foreigners to our own kith and kin, everybody has either participated in the loot or looked the other way to let their cronies and favoured ones indulge in it. 

I don't know about other countries or even don't want to hear justifications by comparison with other countries , nations or civilisations. The fact is corruption is deep-rooted in the Indian society from ages. It has been present amidst us just like prostitution. You may indignantly refuse to believe that or ignore it saying that since you are not participating in it , you are not bothered about it. That's your personal choice , to be an ostrich and bury your head in the sand. 

This apparent amorality of a self touted oldest civilisation is a reflection of its philosophy which believes in rebirths, numerous gods, penance, myths and texts all oriented to benefit the feudal class and elites. It is a given thing in India that people in power will indulge, support or overlook corruption. As long as it helps them to stay in power. Nobody can claim to be free of this. And please don't go into comparison of corruption by degrees or its adjusted rupee value. That is ridiculous

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