The journey of the enlightened soul can be beyond the boundaries of space and the limits of time .
To feel the power of strong infatuation to a person and then get a positive response in a frank acceptance of attraction from the other side can make the day . Well , it can also spoil your night as you lay awake thinking about this feeling of something new happening . Something strange and unauthorised but probably true. But then, at the same time , you wonder whether you should carry it through .
Everything was fine till she opened her heart . It was so sudden , though they both sensed it long back that the chemistry between them was something different . But he never thought that she would be the first one to admit . Her boldness was a pleasant surprise for him and made him glow with desire . He could feel the warm blush spreading across his face as he realised that she was , indeed someone whom fate has ordained .
He was also happy with her frank acceptance because left to himself , he probably would have kept his feelings bottled within himself . But now he knew that it will not be a mistake to have her in his dreams . In the darkness of night he closed his eyes , dreaming about her , the lovely smile on her face with the twinkling eyes and the luscious lips and as a sense of warmth engulfed him , he fell asleep.
Everything was fine till she opened her heart . It was so sudden , though they both sensed it long back that the chemistry between them was something different . But he never thought that she would be the first one to admit . Her boldness was a pleasant surprise for him and made him glow with desire . He could feel the warm blush spreading across his face as he realised that she was , indeed someone whom fate has ordained .
He was also happy with her frank acceptance because left to himself , he probably would have kept his feelings bottled within himself . But now he knew that it will not be a mistake to have her in his dreams . In the darkness of night he closed his eyes , dreaming about her , the lovely smile on her face with the twinkling eyes and the luscious lips and as a sense of warmth engulfed him , he fell asleep.
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