Tuesday, 23 June 2020

I don't have much idea of medicine and will not mind even a bit if any specialist decides to show me my place by contradicting what I am saying in this post. But whatever scientific temper that I have developed in life through reading books and common sense tells me that no medication really exist for any disease classified as a "Flu" , the short form of Influenza. Flu can only be prevented by a vaccine . Being viral in nature , the various drugs that are used to treat any type of flu are generically anti-viral and treats the symptoms by lessening the effect in terms of physical effects or duration.  
Basically , the effect of any flu that effects the respiratory system is always complicated due to a host of pre-existing lifestyle diseases like diabetes, blood pressure, arterial blockages or thickening of blood . So a flu by itself is not dangerous . It becomes fatal when it combines with the existing illnesses and aggravate them. Covid - 19 is no exception. Till a vaccine is developed, no medicine will be able to stop the scourge . All medicines that are being developed, used or discussed are basically aimed at fighting the effects of the virus. And nobody has yet claimed that there is a medical solution to this virus. 
Therefore it is not only surprising but also very dangerous that the company Patanjali is claiming that two ayurvedic drugs marketed by them will cure a person affected by Covid 19 within seven days. I have nothing against ayurvedic medicines , But I have grave doubts if any illness like that caused by the Corona virus actually existed during old ages or Patanjali has a state of the art or planned scientific research programme or facility to test the medicine . So apart from the psychosomatic effects of the drugs, there will be little to actually prove the claims.
We don't know really what will happen. We have the example of Homeopathic medicines which were once quite popular. Why, I myself used them regularly when young for minor ailments and my wife used them even when not so young for complicated health problems. Can't say that we were totally disappointed . In the same way the Patanjali drugs may or may not be helpful. The pandemic may or may not be as fatal as we are fearing. So I will not say that the drugs are fake or false . But given the antecedents of the producer and the hype that is being created over something that does not even have a generic chemical formula to start with , one should be very very circumspect . If someone derives some quantum of solace by using the drug , let the person have it by all means . But there should be no false claims or hyped untruths being marketed in the name of a panacea.  

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