Friday, 12 June 2020

PR in WB ?

One may call it a premonition, assumption, conspiracy theory, daydreaming,doomsday prediction or whatever comes to mind. But I am having a growing feeling that the President’s rule will soon be imposed in West Bengal . The BJP and the Central government are now ready to do so and waiting for a conducive situation to do that with some justification.
Don’t ask me the logic behind it because the decisions taken by the present Central government has always been bereft of logic and more of in-your-face. The sole aim of any decision taken by them so far has either been to win elections or keep their crony capitalist lobby happy. So there should be no surprise if they impose the President’s rule in West Bengal before the next assembly elections, due in May 2021.
Right now, they are watching and letting the Covid situation worsen in the state. A four pronged attack is being made with constant pressure by the statements of Central government ministers , local BJP leaders , misrepresentation of the situation by the pliant media and above all by a cunning and malicious Governor installed at Raj Bhavan. There are also incessant attempts to vitiate the atmosphere and create a law and order situation.
To those who ask me – ” How can you be sure ?” , I will just ask the counter question – “What will you do if this is indeed done ?” Can anybody do anything about it if it is done right now on some flimsy pretext, even like something as asinine as disrespect of the Governor or mishandling of Covid situation ? Before any body even gather themselves, the state will be flooded with paramilitary, the Governor will rule by proxy and the entire administration will overnight change allegiance. Then will come the turn of “conscientious” turncoats in the TMC who will take no time to ditch their leader. And people ? They will be too happy to watch a circus. And in this situation, it will be very difficult to organise protests on the streets. Even if something is done, that will be a good excuse to resort to state sponsored violence.
I think the die is cast. West Bengal is heading for a saffron takeover. By a gang of crooks who have no compunction, no shame, no scruples and no respect for the people or the Constitution.For them only the end matters, not the means. And, they are steadfast in their resolve to storm this bastion which does not conform to their vision of dominance.

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