Saturday, 1 August 2020

Jatugriha – The escape

Thus, the Pandavas decided to stay at the new house and spend their time getting familiar with the terrain to find an escape route.  Soon, a secret emissary of Vidur came to visit them. He was actually a miner experienced in digging underground tunnels. Working clandestinely, he began to dig a subterranean passage. As the tunnel was finished, Yudhisthir decided to put his plan of escape into action.

On the pretext of giving alms and food to the needy they organised a function where people were fed sumptuously. Driven by fate, a Nishad(tribal) lady with five sons also came to the feast and after the meal, intoxicated with the wine they drank, they lost consciousness and lay down in that mansion to sleep.

When everybody went to sleep, in the middle of night, Bhim first set fire to the room where Purochan was sleeping. Then he set fire at other places of the house too. Satisfied that the fire was set well, the five brothers along with their mother entered the passage and made their escape. To make haste, Bhim the strongman of great energy and strength carried his mother on his shoulder, the twins Nakul and Sahadev on his sides, and Yudhishthira and Arjuna on both his arms. He ran in the darkness through the woods carrying his family upon him. They reached the banks of the river soon.

Vidur had arranged for their escape through a trusted person. A boat was floating mid river which carried them across the river. The man who helped them to flee too took leave after saluting them and wishing them well. The Pandavas entered a dark forest and resumed their journey into wilderness.

Meanwhile the people of Varnavat had gathered around the burning Jatugriha and tried to douse the fire. They found the charred bodies of Purochan and also the six Nishads who slept there at night. Taking these bodies to be of Pandavas, they lamented on their death. The news reached Hastinapur. Bhishma, Drona, Kripa, Gandhari were saddened by this tragedy, Dhritarashtra too was sad but also relieved that his son was now without a competitor. Duryodhan was happy. They even carried out the final rites. Only the wise Vidur knew the truth and he kept silent.



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