Saturday 29 February 2020


A whole life spent
in #bridging the gaps
between dreams and reality
in trying hard to reach
the pot of gold
at the end of the rainbow
never realized
how much I have aged
until I broke down
for the first time
and lay gasping for breath

Friday 28 February 2020

I am gradually coming to terms with the fact that notwithstanding what is enshrined in our constitution or cherished by free-thinking people, India is not and perhaps will never be a secular country in the true sense of the term. Whatever we thought to be the Indian secularism was based, firstly on the English system of education along with western notions of liberty and justice. Secondly, the impact of the international communist movement on a feudal and colonized country like ours. After seven decades of independence, the effects of both have worn off. Nehruvian socialism - the middle path- represented the combination of both the above factors. But a concerted stream of calumny was always spread against it by vested interests from the far right. This combined with the inherent corruption and resultant ineffectiveness of the PSU system. With the neo-capitalist revival after the "globalization" thrust at the turn of the century the majority of Indians became disillusioned with it.Pandering to communal and sectarian interests to garner votes have always been the most negative feature of Indian democracy. With the passage of time, it has not only perpetuated but morphed into a hydra-headed monster that threatens to strike at the very basis on which our republic stands. Very strangely, the spread of education has not been able to check the rot because in an underdeveloped country like our education fuelled aspirations that were thwarted by the excessive population. The everyday competition to stay ahead of the race has made people so much narrow-minded in general that either they are grabbing what they get in front of them or left blaming others for missing the portion of the pie. And, the number of people being left out is always larger, more so because even those who get something feel that they deserved a better deal. It's a really vicious conundrum.In this atmosphere of resentment, the influence of politicians and the religious leaders to further their interests only vitiate the atmosphere. People are parroted about their identity on religious and caste lines to perpetuate vested interest groups. And the wave of hate that we see around is a direct result of it.

Wednesday 26 February 2020


Suddenly she realises
what it feels like
to be treated as an alien
in her own homeland
the place where she had grown
the place which she had known
to be her own
for al these goddamm years
the faces that played with her
the secrets she shared with them
all those threads that bound
gone, in an hour of frenzy
of blood, gore and fire
the hymen of trust ruptured brutally
to reveal the schism
that perhaps existed always
somewhere lurking there
waiting to be ripped open


Friday 21 February 2020


ভাষা দিবস

আজকের এই দিন টা  ভুলে যেও না
জিভের ডগায় হাতের আঙুলে আর হৃদয়ের মাঝে
অনুভব কর মায়ের পরশ মাখা মাতৃ ভাষার সুগন্ধ
কোনো ভাষাই ছোট নয় এই পৃথিবীর বুকে
যেমন সন্তান এর কাছে তার মা
তাই বাঁচিয়ে রাখো নিজের নিজের ভাষা
তার অক্ষর , বর্ণমালা , ছন্দ আর বিন্যাস
অপরের সাথে ভাগ করে 
সব ই বদলায় পৃথিবীতে তাই ভাষাও বদলাবে 
এতে অবাক হবার কিছু নেই 
আবার দুঃখ পাবার ও কোনো কারণ নেই
জল যেমন খুঁজে পায় নিজের তল
ঠিক সেই ভাবে ভাষা সমৃদ্ধ হয় 
তবে তার চর্চা হতে হবে অবিরল 

Wednesday 19 February 2020


The man who invented Cut-Copy-Paste is no more. Larry Tesler changed our lives in a way beyond imagination. At least I never thought such thing to be possible . And this was in our lifetime. Think of that . 50 years back plagiarism was just " Tukli " for us. Now it is the basis of information spreading virally. More so on Whatsapp 😃🤓

बिहारवासी धन्य भाग्य हैं । महामहिम ने लिट्टी चोखा खा कर सारे बिहारियों को जो सम्मान प्रदान किये है वह पांच साल पहले दिया गया १६५ करोड़ रुपये धनराशि की पैकेज से कुछ कम नहीं है । सारे राज्य वासी इस अदभुत और अनूठे सम्मान पर हर्ष और उल्लास प्रकट करें , यही हमारी कामना है ।

তবে চারিদিকে যা দেখছি তাতে একটা কথা না বলে পারছি না । এখন কে লিখেছে, গেয়েছে, খেলেছে, হেসেছে,কেঁদেছে, খেয়েছে, হেগেছে এমনকি মরেছে সেটা কোনো বড় ব্যাপার নয় । কার অনুপ্রেরণায় এসব আমাদের চারিপাশে ঘটছে সেটাই আসল ।

এই যা : রাগ করোনা দিদি গো । একটু দুষ্টুমি করলাম আর কি । তুমি সহ্য কর তাই তো তোমায় ভালোবাসি ।
