Tuesday 15 May 2012

As I dissolve in the shadows of the evening;
walking all alone among the nameless crowd.
Swarming all around me are streams of endless faces,
with the burden of a long day tethered to their existence.
I savour my moment of anonymity,
as I walk along with my tired steps.
Hidden in this milieu, how many hopes lurk,
with their sweat stained efforts.
Countless dreams try to break upon the shores in search of home.
In continuous restless waves of disgruntled expectations.
I can feel all of them around me,
In the jostle,in the melee,
the relentless push forward,
the competition to stay ahead of the one in front.
All masks are off,all the warts visible,
each one of them look exactly like me.

Also on facebook Just Arunangshu

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Arunangshu Paul
visit me on facebook

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