Tuesday 6 March 2018

Random thoughts 07032018

#Randomthoughts  Office toilets are public spaces but some people do not think it to be so. I have overheard so many conversations of private nature in office toilets, that often I am left wondering why people are so much voluble in the office toilet.

Forget about social etiquette, that anyway is unknown to most Indians, it is downright dangerous to discuss private matters in the confines of a toilet. Because even as you are bad-mouthing your boss with your colleague or discussing the blatant cleavage show-off by that new hot chick, while taking a leak, side by side in hushed tones, somebody sitting silently behind the closed doors of the stalls behind you is listening to your whole conversation.

Then there are those guys who can't live without their mobile phones on their person. And who never bother to put their mobiles off or on mute mode while relieving themselves. From my own experience, I can say that it is disgusting to hear mobile phones ringing or people chattering inside a toilet cubicle. I have even found some people shouting at the top of their voice too, while in a state of motion, loose or otherwise.

Well, all these examples of indecencies may not be even appreciated to be so by those who commit it. But these are all experiences gathered from my visits to men's restrooms. Obviously, I have very little idea about the behavior of the female species of homo-sapiens but I gather that they are much more gossipy inside. This small gap of experience was also removed recently.

The other day I visited an office toilet where the sexes were properly segregated no doubt, but they left a small cut at the top of the partition between. And as I unzipped and started relieving myself in an empty washroom, two ladies were discussing their very private experiences in hushed voices which were clearly audible to me.

So, those who are reading this post, male or female, do yourself a favor. Switch your mobile phones off or keep it on a flight mode, if you have to carry them, in a public washroom. And keep your mouth shut for the brief period while you open your other orifices for a purely biological need.

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