Tuesday 18 September 2018

Alpha male syndrome

#Randomthoughts People like Shashi Tharoor, Imran Khan or Anup Jalota , just to name a few as glaring and contemporary reference , are envied by most males . More so in a sociallly regressive milieu of this subcontinent with  conservative patriarchal valuesets which restrict sexual or even platonic interactions with females. The skewed sex ratio also adds up to the problem .

Frustrated males devoid of a  loving , caring and fulfilling sexual relationship with a suitable female partner feel themselves inconsequential and slighted to see a middle aged or older male public figure with a desirable younger female. The plain jealousy and envy raises the hackles of the dormant alpha male in them . And it triggers the obnoxious reaction of running down the celebrity. Of course, the vitriolic opposition is given a moral pyjama to wear ,as an excuse.

A man who has ever loved and received the love of a woman will never feel threatened or jealous of another man. Slightly concerned or amused , maybe but never to the point of running down another chap as immoral.

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